About Us
In March, 2016, the Florida Department of Health launched the Florida Healthy Babies initiative, a statewide collaborative to positively influence social determinants of health and reduce racial disparities in infant mortality. This project focuses on a social determinants of health approach to close the gap among Non-Hispanic Black and Non-Hispanic White infants. Data findings from the Miami-Dade County infant mortality analysis was used to inform the community and aid in developing intervention strategies at the local level to address health disparities and inequalities. The Healthy Baby Taskforce engages numerous partners to address the complex health inequities present in our community. The taskforce works to positively influence social determinants with evidence-based interventions.
To decrease maternal and infant morbidity and mortality: Maternal morbidity and mortality is the death of a woman as a result of a pregnancy-related condition. Infant mortality is the death of an infant before his or her first birthday.
Taskforce Activities
Currently, the Health Baby Taskforce is in collaboration and participating with many community partners in the 2021 BreastfeedMIAMI initiative. August is National Breastfeeding Month! In recognition of National Breastfeeding Month, Miami-Dade County partners are coming together to celebrate and build a strong breastfeeding support network. This year the theme recognized by the United States Breastfeeding Committee is Every Step of the Way. Throughout this month of August, each week is commemorated with an observance theme. To learn more, please visit the Events and Announcements page here.
Meeting Information
The sub-committee meets every third Friday of each month, following the Children Issues Committee, at United Way Miami, The Ryder Room in the Ansin Building, 3250 SW 3rd Avenue, Miami, FL 33129 from 12:30PM-1:30PM. Currently, the Taskforce is meeting virtually via Microsoft Teams. If you have any questions or need access to the meeting link, please contact the Taskforce liaison for further details.
Committee Facilitators
Lead: Esther McCant, Metro Mommy Agency
Co-Lead: Tenesha Avent, March of Dimes
Liaison: Candice Schottenloher, Florida Department of Health in Miami-Dade County, Email: Candice.Schottenloher@flhealth.gov, Work phone: 305-234-5400, ext. 8855
Healthy Baby Taskforce / Florida Healthy Babies