Baby Steps to Baby Friendly
The Baby Steps to Baby Friendly (BSBF) project focuses on increasing breastfeeding initiation and duration among Florida women. A growing body of evidence supports breastfeeding as critical to improving health outcomes of mothers and babies and beneficial to the families and communities in which they live. Maternity policies and practices in hospitals can influence breastfeeding behaviors and have been shown to significantly affect breastfeeding initiation, duration, and exclusivity, which can impact the health of both the infant and the mother.
The BSBF project supports hospitals to improve and enhance maternity care practices related to breastfeeding, including achieving the World Health Organization’s Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding. The Ten Steps were developed by a team of global experts and consist of evidence-based practices that have been shown to increase breastfeeding initiation and duration in the hospital setting. As hospitals move closer to achieving the Ten Steps, they can be recognized for their efforts. The BSBF project promotes two recognition models: The Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative through Baby-Friendly USA and the Florida Breastfeeding Coalition’s Quest for Quality Maternity Care Award.
Miami-Dade County hospitals currently participating in Baby Steps to Baby Friendly:
Miami-Dade County hospitals designated as Baby-friendly while participating in Baby Steps to Baby Friendly:
- Jackson South Community Hospital, Palmetto Bay, FL (02/17)
- Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami, FL (06/17)
- Jackson North Medical Center, N. Miami Beach, FL (07/17)
Congratulations to Jackson Health System! The first hospital system in Florida designated as Baby Friendly.