About Us
The Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Committee was established in 2003 to improve community health through education and the creation of environments that support healthy behaviors. Committee initiatives focus on education, screening, and policy efforts aimed to prevent chronic disease and encourage the adoption and practice of healthy behaviors.
- Educate the Miami-Dade Community on the adoption and practice of healthy behaviors to reduce chronic disease.
- Improve access to and awareness of healthy food in underserved communities.
- Create a centralized system of Health Fairs in our community.
- Coordination and dissemination of Speakers’ Bureau.
Meeting Information
Currently, the Committee is meeting virtually via Microsoft Teams. If you have any questions or need access to the meeting link, please contact the Committee liaison for further details.
Committee Facilitators
Chair: Leyanee Perez, The American Healthy Weight Alliance, Inc.
Vice-Chair: Robert Hill, American Heart Association
Liaison: Vicki Zou, Florida Department of Health in Miami-Dade County, Vicki.Zou@flhealth.gov, 305-234-5400 Ext. 8865
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention